Teddy Land

Currently in Gaishorn, Austria



25 December 2013, Wednesday
Published at 18:39
22 December 2013, Sunday

In front of the fireplace

Teddy Land: In front of the fireplace

warm, gold tongues aglow
crackling, hissing, simple sounds
spirits soar like smoke
Published at 19:19
Published at 19:18
15 December 2013, Sunday

Vesela Ogneva

Vesela Ogneva (Vesi) is a very special person. Fighting Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is tough, finding the friends to take you in the mountain on a wheelchair is tougher. She is raising the money to go to a special clinic in India where she stands the chance to walk again. She is a fighter, she is light, she is all smiles. We love her!

Please PayPal to vesi_og@abv.bg or go to helpvesi.com and use the donate button and help her stand up on her feet again. What goes around comes around!

Teddy Land: Cveti Genovska, Rumi Pisancheva, Vesi Ogneva and Teodora Hadjiyska

Teddy Land: Dancho Serafimov and Vesi Ogneva

Published at 15:35


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